Professional Book Coach
Working with a book coach could be the difference between a mediocre story and a great read.
Dr. Alisa Cooper, the Word Doctor, is a professional editor, writer and trained life coach who works with you one-on-one to guide you through the process of successfully writing a book.

So, you want to write a book...
Pen a memoir? Write a novel?
Create a how-to book?
You have great ideas, a compelling story, and a burning desire, BUT…
You feel overwhelmed, intimidated, and disorganized; your writing needs resuscitation and rehabilitation; or you have trouble with deadlines and commitments.
Let’s end the self-doubt, procrastination, and overwhelm. Unleash the book residing within you!

You send me your written content on a preset schedule in chunks or by chapter, and I get busy editing. Or, you can send me the complete manuscript all at once. I’ll edit your writing to ensure it is honed, polished and conveys your voice.

We’ll do a 60-minute Foundational Session to look closely at your goals, strengths, obstacles, and fears. This will help me understand how best to coach you through the process. We will work hard, but we'll have fun doing it! Bringing your book to life can be a worry-free, enjoyable experience.

I’ll interview you on Zoom and record your story in increments. Then, I’m off and running to create a solid first draft for you to review and approve.

You'll review the manuscript and offer uninhibited feedback. Your edits are incorporated, and the manuscript is refined, polished, and honed until it glistens. I'll recommend industry resources such as publishers, formatters, cover designers, and marketers to help you launch. You'll be on the shelves in no time!